The Last few years has seen a extension to factory increasing floor space by 3840m2. 3 new Forklifts were also added along with two new Faro digital measuring arm’s, Paint system’s and our in house shot-blast facility was also updated.
2020 saw further investment with the addition of a Bistronic BiSmart Laser complete with a extended ByTrans automated tower feed system.
In addition to this our CAD systems are also being upgraded to Catia V6 along with new hardware.
A new 18 point extraction system for the welders will also happen. We are also planning to re-build/extend the offices.
Along with this we are also continuing to invest in the training of our workforce to improve and learn new skills.
Over the next two years TRT are planning to manufacture Polyethylene dunnage in house. The addition of a Polyurea Coating system is also planned for 2021